PerioSafe® Profiling: Keep your teeth seemingly ``healthy`` & increase your prevention performance
PerioSafe® ?! – Lifelong tooth retention free of inflammation – The PerioPrevention® concept
The paradigm shift from visual inspection of periodontal disease to biomolecular diagnosis and early detection is decisive for the advancement of dentistry.
PerioSafe® – The scientifically patented prevention-need indicator which detects active periodontal tissue degradation within 5 minutes in the patient chair at the earliest possible point in time – before periodontal disease even becomes visually perceptible.
Approximately 50% of your PSI 0-1 patients are affected by invisible, hidden oral inflammation and urgently require preventive treatment to preserve their teeth and health. The visible test result increases patients’ motivation to participate in the Perioprevention® concept by 80%.
The PerioPrevention concept is based on the recommendations of the Axelsson/Lindhe study and, depending on need, recommends increasing the patient prevention interval to 2-4 professional dental cleanings per year – roughly 300% more than the standard in Germany. aMMP8 profiling allows at-risk patients to be precisely identified and selected in targeted manner.

To find out more, request your personal online education access today.